South of Perth Yacht Club

Provisional Results for 15/05/21

Comp NoSkipperSOPYC StartChan Red 23ConcreteNedlandsBondAttadale SpitDeepwaterLuckySampsonSOPYC Start
400 Steve Wall 14:26:10 14:28:11 14:32:52 14:35:15 14:39:33 14:45:34 14:50:15 14:56:52 15:10:59 15:14:32
14:26:11 14:28:11 14:32:52 14:35:15 14:39:34 14:45:34 14:50:15 14:56:51 15:10:59 15:14:32
1 0 0 COS+ 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
401 Ian Staples 14:19:00 14:21:01 14:28:02 14:31:36 14:38:04 14:47:05 14:54:06 15:04:02 15:25:13 15:29:40
14:19:00 14:20:56 14:27:54 14:31:28 14:37:55 14:46:58 14:54:00 15:03:55 15:25:05 15:29:32
0 5 8 8 9 7 6 7 8 8
402 Troy Dalglish 14:28:10 14:30:11 14:34:52 14:37:15 14:41:33 14:47:34 14:52:15 14:58:52 15:12:59 15:16:32
14:28:34 14:30:15 14:34:51 14:37:15 14:41:33 14:47:35 14:52:15 14:58:47 15:13:01 15:16:34
24 Chkd 4 1 0 0 1 0 5 Chkd 2 2
415 Vern Bailey 14:32:00 14:34:01 14:38:42 14:41:05 14:45:23 14:51:24 14:56:05 15:02:42 15:16:49 15:20:22
14:32:01 14:34:01 14:38:42 14:41:03 14:45:25 14:51:25 14:56:07 15:02:43 15:16:50 15:20:22
1 0 0 2 2 1 2 1 1 0
423 Anton Jennings 14:30:10 14:32:11 14:36:52 14:39:15 14:43:33 14:49:34 14:54:15 15:00:52 15:14:59 15:18:32
14:29:56 14:32:48 14:37:24 14:39:43 14:44:05 14:50:05 14:54:43 15:01:24 15:15:32 15:18:05
14 37 32 28 32 31 28 32 33 27
426 John Cooper 14:22:10 14:24:11 14:28:52 14:31:15 14:35:33 14:41:34 14:46:15 14:52:52 15:06:59 15:10:32
14:22:11 14:24:08 14:28:52 14:31:15 14:35:33 14:41:34 00:00:00 14:52:52 15:07:00 15:10:32
1 3 0 0 0 0 Avg 1 0 1 0
429 Mike Irving 14:16:00 14:18:01 14:23:38 14:26:29 14:31:39 14:38:52 14:44:29 14:52:26 15:09:22 15:13:17
14:15:59 14:17:56 14:23:34 14:26:27 14:31:38 14:38:55 14:44:26 14:52:18 15:09:23 15:13:19
1 5 4 2 1 3 3 8 1 2
431 Vince Acalinovich 14:34:10 14:36:11 14:40:52 14:43:15 14:47:33 14:53:34 14:58:15 15:04:52 15:18:59 15:22:32
14:34:09 14:36:03 14:40:44 14:43:04 14:47:22 14:53:28 14:58:08 15:04:43 15:18:49 15:22:21
1 8 8 11 11 6 7 9 10 11
433 Michael Cook 14:24:00 14:26:01 14:31:38 14:34:29 14:39:39 14:46:52 14:52:29 15:00:26 15:17:22 15:21:17
14:24:00 14:26:02 14:31:37 14:34:31 14:39:38 14:46:53 14:52:30 15:00:25 15:17:23 15:21:17
0 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 0
434 Ian Blanckensee 14:07:00 14:09:01 14:15:15 14:18:26 14:24:10 14:32:11 14:38:26 14:47:15 15:06:05 15:10:14
14:06:58 14:09:02 14:15:14 14:18:26 14:24:11 14:32:13 14:38:28 14:47:15 15:06:05 15:10:15
2 1 1 0 1 2 2 0 0 1
Comp NoSkipperSOPYC StartChan Red 23ConcreteNedlandsBondAttadale SpitDeepwaterLuckySampsonSOPYC Start
436 Steve Clarke 14:18:10 14:20:11 14:24:52 14:27:15 14:31:33 14:37:34 14:42:15 14:48:52 15:02:59 15:06:32
14:18:09 14:20:12 14:24:51 14:27:12 14:31:34 14:37:35 14:42:15 14:48:51 15:03:00 15:06:31
1 1 1 COS- 3 1 1 0 1 1 1
439 Alan Wilson 14:25:00 14:27:01 14:31:42 14:34:05 14:38:23 14:44:24 14:49:05 14:55:42 15:09:49 15:13:22
14:25:00 14:27:00 14:31:50 14:34:05 14:38:25 14:44:25 14:49:07 14:55:40 15:09:52 15:13:24
0 1 8 Chkd 0 2 1 2 2 3 2
447 Dave Markham 14:12:00 14:14:01 14:19:38 14:22:29 14:27:39 14:34:52 14:40:29 14:48:26 15:05:22 15:09:17
14:14:01 14:15:58 14:21:31 14:24:29 14:29:42 14:37:21 00:00:00 14:53:42 00:00:00 00:00:00
121 117 113 120 123 149 No Result 316 No Result No Result
450 Rodney Greville-Collins 14:20:00 14:22:01 14:26:42 14:29:05 14:33:23 14:39:24 14:44:05 14:50:42 15:04:49 15:08:22
14:19:58 14:22:02 14:26:43 14:29:06 14:33:25 14:39:27 14:44:03 14:50:41 15:04:53 15:08:16
2 1 1 1 2 3 2 1 4 6
454 Morrie Stevens 14:15:00 14:17:01 14:22:38 14:25:29 14:30:39 14:37:52 14:43:29 14:51:26 15:08:22 15:12:17
14:15:00 14:17:03 14:22:37 14:25:28 14:30:42 14:37:54 14:43:31 14:51:24 15:08:21 15:12:20
0 2 1 1 3 2 2 2 1 3
477 Phil Warwick 14:35:00 14:37:01 14:41:42 14:44:05 14:48:23 14:54:24 14:59:05 15:05:42 15:19:49 15:23:22
14:35:00 14:37:01 14:41:39 00:00:00 14:48:22 14:54:25 14:59:06 15:05:42 15:19:50 15:23:21
COS- 0 0 3 Chkd Avg 1 1 1 1 0 1 1
478 Darryl Wilkes 14:17:00 14:19:01 14:26:02 14:29:36 14:36:04 14:45:05 14:52:06 15:02:02 15:23:13 15:27:40
14:17:01 14:19:00 14:26:03 14:29:35 14:36:07 14:45:06 14:52:05 15:02:04 15:23:13 15:27:42
1 1 1 COS- 1 3 1 1 2 0 2
486 Steve Biscoe 14:36:00 14:38:01 14:42:42 14:45:05 14:49:23 14:55:24 15:00:05 15:06:42 15:20:49 15:24:22
14:36:03 14:38:06 14:42:49 14:44:58 14:49:37 14:55:21 15:00:09 15:06:35 15:20:53 15:24:22
3 5 7 7 14 Chkd 3 4 7 4 0
489 Dave Ewart 14:33:00 14:35:01 14:39:42 14:42:05 14:46:23 14:52:24 14:57:05 15:03:42 15:17:49 15:21:22
14:33:00 14:35:01 14:39:38 14:42:06 14:46:21 14:52:24 14:57:06 15:03:36 15:17:49 15:21:21
0 0 4 Chkd 1 2 0 1 6 Chkd 0 1
491 John Hladin 14:11:00 14:13:01 14:20:02 14:23:36 14:30:04 14:39:05 14:46:06 14:56:02 15:17:13 15:21:40
14:11:48 14:13:11 14:19:28 14:23:47 14:30:06 14:39:13 14:46:09 14:55:55 15:17:31 15:21:56
48 10 34 11 2 8 3 7 18 16
Comp NoSkipperSOPYC StartChan Red 23ConcreteNedlandsBondAttadale SpitDeepwaterLuckySampsonSOPYC Start
492 Brian Smith 14:06:00 14:08:01 14:15:02 14:18:36 14:25:04 14:34:05 14:41:06 14:51:02 15:12:13 15:16:40
14:06:02 14:07:55 14:15:01 14:18:36 14:25:04 14:34:07 14:41:05 14:51:00 15:12:13 15:16:42
2 6 Chkd 1 0 0 2 1 2 0 2
493 Paul Stott 14:09:10 14:11:11 14:17:25 14:20:36 14:26:20 14:34:21 14:40:36 14:49:25 15:08:15 15:12:24
14:09:12 14:11:12 14:17:26 14:20:37 14:26:21 14:34:23 14:40:38 14:49:18 15:08:17 15:12:25
2 1 1 1 1 2 2 7 2 1
496 Jason Claricoates 14:23:00 14:25:01 14:32:02 14:35:36 14:42:04 14:51:05 14:58:06 15:08:02 15:29:13 15:33:40
14:22:59 14:25:03 14:32:03 14:35:37 14:42:06 14:51:06 14:58:06 15:08:04 15:29:15 15:33:39
1 2 1 1 2 1 0 2 2 1
497 Bob Wright 14:14:10 14:16:11 14:21:48 14:24:39 14:29:49 14:37:02 14:42:39 14:50:36 15:07:32 15:11:27
14:14:14 00:00:00 14:21:50 14:24:41 00:00:00 14:37:04 14:42:40 14:50:36 15:07:33 15:11:25
4 Avg 2 2 2 Avg 2 2 1 0 1 2

This report was generated by The Checkpoint Version 3. 1. 2
last updated on 15/05/2021
By System Administrator