South of Perth Yacht Club

Provisional Results for 06/05/23

Comp NoSkipperSOPYC StartHeathcoteConcrete-FoamApplecrossDeepwaterWaterstromAttadale SpitSampsonHeathcoteSOPYC Start
401 Jason Claricoates 15:34:00 15:35:43 15:38:03 15:43:39 15:45:27 15:51:56 15:54:57 16:13:52 16:16:36 16:18:20
15:33:59 15:35:43 15:38:05 15:43:39 15:45:29 15:51:57 15:54:58 00:00:00 16:16:39 16:18:21
1 0 2 0 2 1 1 Avg 1 3 1
403 Guy Skinner 15:19:00 15:21:18 15:24:24 15:31:52 15:34:16 15:42:55 15:46:56 16:12:10 16:15:49 16:18:07
15:19:00 15:21:16 15:24:22 15:31:52 15:34:16 15:42:54 15:46:55 16:12:11 16:15:49 16:18:06
0 2 2 0 0 1 1 1 0 1
406 David Purnell 15:54:00 15:55:43 15:57:17 16:01:00 16:02:13 16:06:32 16:08:33 16:21:09 16:22:59 16:24:42
15:53:58 15:55:40 15:57:14 16:00:50 16:02:13 16:06:31 16:08:32 16:21:10 16:22:56 16:24:41
2 3 3 10 0 1 1 1 3 1
411 Garry Morrison 15:50:00 15:51:43 15:54:03 15:59:39 16:01:27 16:07:56 16:10:57 16:29:52 16:32:36 16:34:20
15:49:58 15:51:44 15:54:01 15:59:39 16:01:29 00:00:00 16:10:56 16:29:52 16:32:36 16:34:19
2 1 2 0 2 Avg 1 1 0 0 1
415 Vern Bailey 15:55:00 15:56:43 15:58:17 16:02:00 16:03:13 16:07:32 16:09:33 16:22:09 16:23:59 16:25:42
15:54:59 15:56:43 15:58:16 16:02:01 16:03:16 16:07:31 16:09:32 16:22:12 16:24:01 16:25:40
1 0 1 1 3 1 1 3 2 2
418 Michael Duthie 15:35:00 15:36:43 15:38:17 15:42:00 15:43:13 15:47:32 15:49:33 16:02:09 16:03:59 16:05:42
15:35:00 15:36:41 15:38:21 15:42:05 15:43:19 15:47:34 15:49:35 16:02:08 16:04:01 16:05:38
0 2 4 5 6 2 2 1 2 4
419 Warrrick Gorman 15:25:00 15:26:43 15:29:03 15:34:39 15:36:27 15:42:56 15:45:57 16:04:52 16:07:36 16:09:20
15:25:01 15:26:46 15:28:50 15:34:44 15:36:34 15:42:59 15:45:46 16:04:54 16:07:37 16:09:27
1 3 13 5 7 3 11 2 1 7
422 Chris Patten 15:17:00 15:18:43 15:21:03 15:26:39 15:28:27 15:34:56 15:37:57 15:56:52 15:59:36 16:01:20
15:17:09 15:18:03 15:20:53 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00
9 40 10 No Result No Result No Result No Result No Result No Result No Result
424 Jeremy Greaves 15:46:00 15:47:43 15:50:03 15:55:39 15:57:27 16:03:56 16:06:57 16:25:52 16:28:36 16:30:20
15:46:09 15:47:45 15:50:05 15:55:24 15:57:21 16:03:29 16:06:37 16:25:54 16:28:47 16:30:28
9 2 2 15 6 27 20 2 11 8
426 John Cooper 15:36:00 15:37:43 15:40:03 15:45:39 15:47:27 15:53:56 15:56:57 16:15:52 16:18:36 16:20:20
15:36:01 15:37:43 00:00:00 15:45:41 15:47:24 15:53:56 15:56:59 16:15:54 16:18:39 16:20:21
1 0 Avg 2 2 3 0 2 2 3 1
Comp NoSkipperSOPYC StartHeathcoteConcrete-FoamApplecrossDeepwaterWaterstromAttadale SpitSampsonHeathcoteSOPYC Start
428 Ian Staples 15:41:00 15:42:43 15:45:03 15:50:39 15:52:27 15:58:56 16:01:57 16:20:52 16:23:36 16:25:20
15:41:03 15:42:43 00:00:00 15:50:34 15:52:29 15:58:55 16:01:54 16:20:50 16:23:36 16:25:18
3 0 Avg 2 5 2 1 3 2 0 2
439 Alan Wilson 15:40:00 15:41:43 15:43:17 15:47:00 15:48:13 15:52:32 15:54:33 16:07:09 16:08:59 16:10:42
15:39:50 15:41:42 15:43:17 15:47:01 15:48:15 15:52:34 15:54:33 16:07:11 16:08:59 16:10:41
10 1 0 1 2 2 0 2 0 1
444 Anthony Julien 15:49:00 15:50:43 15:52:17 15:56:00 15:57:13 16:01:32 16:03:33 16:16:09 16:17:59 16:19:42
15:49:24 15:51:03 15:52:42 15:56:15 15:57:32 16:01:49 16:03:51 16:16:34 16:17:20 16:19:59
24 20 25 15 19 17 18 25 39 17
447 David Markham 15:26:00 15:27:43 15:29:35 15:34:04 15:35:31 15:40:42 15:43:06 15:58:15 16:00:26 16:02:09
15:25:58 15:27:40 15:29:41 15:34:04 15:35:33 15:40:40 15:43:08 15:58:19 16:00:26 16:02:08
2 3 6 0 2 2 2 4 0 1
454 Morrie Stevens 15:30:00 15:31:43 15:33:35 15:38:04 15:39:31 15:44:42 15:47:06 16:02:15 16:04:26 16:06:09
15:30:02 15:31:45 15:33:35 15:38:07 15:39:35 15:44:45 15:47:11 16:02:18 16:04:28 16:06:15
2 2 0 3 4 3 5 3 2 6
461 Brian Boswell 15:52:00 15:53:43 15:55:17 15:59:00 16:00:13 16:04:32 16:06:33 16:19:09 16:20:59 16:22:42
15:51:58 15:53:41 15:55:22 15:58:58 16:00:13 16:04:35 16:06:37 16:19:10 16:21:00 16:22:40
2 2 5 2 0 3 4 1 1 2
469 Mark Hayman 15:48:00 15:49:43 15:52:03 15:57:39 15:59:27 16:05:56 16:08:57 16:27:52 16:30:36 16:32:20
15:48:00 15:49:43 00:00:00 15:57:42 15:59:31 16:05:55 16:08:57 16:27:53 16:30:37 16:32:19
0 0 Avg 1 3 4 1 0 1 1 1
486 Leanne Fallows 15:16:00 15:18:46 15:22:29 15:31:26 15:34:20 15:44:42 15:49:31 16:19:48 16:24:10 16:26:56
15:16:53 15:18:24 15:22:39 15:30:16 15:32:47 15:42:46 15:48:46 16:19:32 16:23:16 16:25:38
53 22 10 70 93 116 45 16 54 78
488 Simon Stone 15:53:00 15:54:43 15:57:03 16:02:39 16:04:27 16:10:56 16:13:57 16:32:52 16:35:36 16:37:20
15:53:04 15:54:38 15:57:06 16:02:04 16:03:59 16:10:39 16:13:50 16:32:49 16:35:39 16:37:23
4 5 3 35 28 17 7 3 3 3
489 Iain Somerville 15:29:00 15:30:43 15:33:03 15:38:39 15:40:27 15:46:56 15:49:57 16:08:52 16:11:36 16:13:20
15:28:49 15:30:36 15:32:58 15:38:35 15:40:27 15:47:00 15:50:04 16:08:50 16:11:37 16:13:21
11 7 5 4 0 4 7 2 1 1
Comp NoSkipperSOPYC StartHeathcoteConcrete-FoamApplecrossDeepwaterWaterstromAttadale SpitSampsonHeathcoteSOPYC Start
493 Paul Stott 15:37:00 15:38:43 15:40:17 15:44:00 15:45:13 15:49:32 15:51:33 16:04:09 16:05:59 16:07:42
15:36:59 15:38:43 00:00:00 15:44:01 15:45:15 15:49:32 15:51:36 16:04:11 16:06:01 16:07:41
1 0 Avg 1 1 2 0 3 2 2 1
497 Bob Wright 15:38:00 15:39:43 15:42:03 15:47:39 15:49:27 15:55:56 15:58:57 16:17:52 16:20:36 16:22:20
15:37:56 15:39:44 15:42:12 15:47:36 15:49:22 15:55:55 15:58:58 16:17:56 16:20:34 16:22:22
4 1 9 3 5 1 1 4 2 2
Y04 Peter Vlaar 15:14:00 15:16:46 15:20:29 15:29:26 15:32:20 15:42:42 15:47:31 16:17:48 16:22:10 16:24:56
15:14:21 15:16:46 15:20:21 15:29:18 15:32:21 15:42:48 15:47:32 16:17:45 16:22:18 16:24:54
21 0 8 8 1 6 1 3 8 2
Y491 David Pearce 15:13:00 15:15:46 15:19:29 15:28:26 15:31:20 15:41:42 15:46:31 16:16:48 16:21:10 16:23:56
15:13:14 15:16:01 15:19:30 15:28:13 15:31:12 15:41:38 15:46:56 16:16:46 16:21:51 16:23:59
14 15 1 13 8 4 25 2 41 3

This report was generated by The Checkpoint Version 3. 4. 6
last updated on 6/05/2023
By System Administrator